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Copyright@CUNY: E-Portfolios


What is an e-portfolio?

An e-portfolio is a personalized, web based information management system, which allows students to demonstrate growth, achievement and learning over time. It does this by allowing students to organize, summarize, and share information. An e-portfolio places students at the center of their learning experience, allowing them to manage, control and display their own records and materials, thus conveying a sense of the students' ability, attitudes, experiences and achievements. Students can post writing samples, resumes, artwork, musical compositions, and computer programs for others to view. The owner of the e-portfolio can choose to share all or a part of their e-portfolio with students, professors, and potential employers.

What are copyright implications of material in an e-portfolio?

Students own the copyright to works that they have created. It may, however, be an infringement of copyright to upload the works of others into an e-portfolio. Students are responsible for the consequences of posting copyrighted materials that belong to others. United States copyright law grants copyright holders several exclusive rights, but also allows several exceptions, Fair Use being the best known. If material is copyrighted and the use is not a Fair Use , then the owner’s  permission should be requested.