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CCL Cooperative Collection Development (CCD) Task Force: Shared Print CCD Roadmap

Recommended Roadmap -Year 1 AY2021-22

Preliminary CCD Print Survey data indicates CUNY libraries lack a shared understanding and vocabulary to compare our collection management practices. AY2021-22 will focus on orienting the CCL around collection management best practices, while campus faculty and staff focus upon reopening tasks and OLS focuses on restoring staffing. 

CCD Activities:

Recruit a core group of Collection Management Librarians to manage CCD Activities;
Conduct CUNY-wide workshops demonstrating successful Shared Print Collections (e.g., Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium [SCELC]) and how they got started; 
Send CCL representatives to ELUNA and ENUG to find out how other libraries are doing Cooperative Collection Development (e.g., SUNY and Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois), reporting out to the CCL; and
Compare CUNY Library Collection Development Policies and Weeding and Retention  Policies and adopt common language and objectives in Cooperative Collection Development (CCD) pilot libraries to enable CCD between libraries. 

Recommended Roadmap - Year 2 AY2022-23

CCD Print Survey data indicates over half of all CUNY libraries are interested in a shared periodicals collection and that 65% of CUNY libraries lack a formal weeding policy. Year 2 will focus on pilot projects designed to address these two needs. We recommend beginning with periodicals because it is lower stakes than monographs, and fills a need as many CUNY libraries are adjusting their periodical holdings. 

CCD Activities: 

Identify CUNY libraries interested in collaborating on a shared weeding policy; 
Identify CUNY libraries interested in a shared periodicals collection policy and pilot a project; 
Identify project lead(s) to supervise and coordinate both projects; 
Identify funding sources to compensate project lead(s); 
Identify training needed for lead personnel on each campus;
Institute training with a goal of a train-the-trainer model (and documentation), a la Alma; 
Compare CUNY Library Collection Development Policies and Weeding and Retention Policies and adopt common language and objectives in CCD pilot libraries to enable CCD between libraries;  and
Develop assessment measures for CCD shared print periodicals collections pilot. 

Recommended Roadmap -Year 3 AY2023-24

Building upon the two pilot projects, roll out a CUNY-wide CCD policy and contract for print monographs and periodicals, assuming assessment measures indicate project is worth continuing. 

CCD Activities: 

Pilot project lead reports out on outcomes of CCD periodicals project; 
Conduct overlap analysis of CUNY libraries, using either Alma or a third-party, like GreenGlass
Based on Overlap Analyses, develop Last Copy Retention Plans and workflow; and
Develop a contract for CUNY libraries interested in CCD based on based on SCELC Shared Print Collection Memorandum of Understanding as a model. 

Year 4 and beyond 

Consider consortial partnerships outside of CUNY, such as Partnership  for Academic Library Collaboration & Innovation, and ConnectNY to extend CCD work beyond CUNY; and
Form CCD Group for analysis of electronic resources for shared collection strategies.