This site is a compendium of all CUNY archives and special collections websites and was compiled by the LACUNY Archives and Special Collections Roundtable. Whenever possible, contact information is provided.
Baruch College ArchivesThe Baruch College Archives collects and preserves records that document the history, mission, and daily functioning of Baruch College, as well as materials pertaining to people, activities and events associated with the College. Please see our Collecting Policy and Mission Statement for more information. In addition, the archives are responsible for keeping and maintaining several special collections which are unique to Baruch College and which are physically housed in the archives. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Jessica Webster, 646-312-1672, |
Borough of Manhattan Community College ArchivesTo preserve the history of the BMCC College and community, we collect publications and official records of the college, including catalogs, reports, yearbooks, brochures, minutes of meetings, and announcements, for use in the library only. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Erin A'Hearn, 212-776-8078, |
Bronx Community College Library ArchivesArchives & Special Collections collects, preserves, and makes available primary and secondary materials that document the history of Bronx Community College. Our mission to acquire and preserve materials is coupled with a commitment to outreach and access. Materials are described according to national standards established by the National Archives Records Administration and the Society of American Archivists. The Archives & Special Collections mounts regular exhibitions both in the Library and online. We are committed to collaborating with other BCC departments to digitize collection materials and make them freely available online. We host group visits to the Archives for tours and classroom instruction sessions. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Emma Antobam-Ntekudzi, Reference & Instruction Librarian, |
Brooklyn College ArchivesThe Archives and Special Collections division of the Brooklyn College Library is committed to acquiring, preserving, and providing access to the records of enduring value that document the Brooklyn College community and the Borough of Brooklyn, as well as the papers and memorabilia of individuals who have national and social importance. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Colleen Bradley-Sanders, 718-951-5581, |
Brooklyn College Haitian Studies Institute ArchivesThe mission of the CUNY HSI is to contribute to the advancement of the academic field of Haitian studies through interdisciplinary research and practices. CUNY HSI Archives aims to support this commitment by documenting and acquiring materials that illustrate the experiences of Haitian communities in Haiti and abroad. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Obden Mondésir, 718.951.5000 x2123, |
City College Archives and Special CollectionsThe Archives and Special Collections Division was established in 1960 and is maintained in a controlled, secure environment which includes ample compact moveable shelving. The archival collections document instruction, teaching, research, alumni and student life at the College through institutional records, publications, memorabilia, faculty and alumni papers, photographs, blueprints and media. Biographical information is collected on distinguished alumni, including the ten Nobel laureates who are City College alumni. These collections actively serve the City College community and are of continuing interest to scholars studying the history and sociology of higher education, as well as to biographers and journalists. The Special Collections include books on clothing and costumes from around the world, the Thomason Tracts (140 pamphlets printed during the English Civil War), English drama and comedy written for the stage from 1660 to 1880, first editions of the works of William Butler Yeats, and early 20th century British writers. There is also a small but choice collection of 17th and 18th century titles in the fields of astronomy, mathematics and chemistry. Some of these are featured in the online presentation “Before the Textbook.” We welcome and invite you to view a selection of items in our Digital Collections. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Sydney C. Van Nort, 212-650-7609, |
City College Dominican ArchivesThe mission of the CUNY Dominican Studies institute Archives, located at The City College of New York, is to identify, appraise, accession, process, preserve and provide access to archival materials that document the experience and contributions of the Dominican population in the United States. The Archives supplements and complements the efforts of the Institute's Dominican Library and research programs, greatly enriching the supply of primary source materials available to scholars, students and faculty in the area of Dominican studies. Contact: Sarah Aponte, Chief Librarian, 212-650-7170, |
College of Staten Island Archives & Special CollectionsThe Archives & Special Collections of the CSI Library collects, preserves, and makes available primary and secondary materials that document the history of Staten Island and the College of Staten Island. The Archives’ focus is the history of the College and records the activities of the administration, academic departments, faculty, staff, students, and related organizations of the College of Staten Island and its predecessor institutions. The Special Collections concentrates on the history of Staten Island political culture and public policy discourse, especially in the period since consolidation with New York City in 1898. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: James A. Kaser, Archivist, 718-982-4128, |
CUNY Academic WorksCUNY Academic Works is a service of the CUNY Libraries dedicated to collecting and providing access to the research, scholarship and creative work of the City University of New York. In service to CUNY’s mission as a public university, content in Academic Works is freely available to all. Contact: CUNY Office of Library Services, 646-664-8213 |
CUNY Digital History ArchiveThe CUNY Digital History Archive (CDHA) is an open, participatory digital public archive and portal that gives the CUNY community and the broader public online access to a range of materials related to the history of the City University of New York. The CDHA will conduct and collect oral history interviews as well as accept historical materials and records held by individuals whose lives, in diverse ways, have shaped, and been shaped, by CUNY. Faculty, staff, and students have fought to sustain the university so that it lives up to its democratic mission and the CUNY Digital History Archive aims to reflect those efforts. Contact: Roxanne Shirazi, Project Director, 212-817-7069, |
Graduate Center Archives and Special CollectionsThe CUNY Graduate Center institutional archives consists of reports, correspondence, pamphlets, books, periodicals, other publications, photographs, video and audio tapes or discs, and other materials, all documenting or otherwise related to its history and operations. They are housed on the 2nd floor of the library and open (by appointment) to CUNY administrators, faculty and other staff members, students, and others authorized by the Chief Librarian. The library also holds a small number of manuscript collections and rare books that have been donated since the Graduate Center's founding in 1961, including the Joseph Buttinger Collection on Utopias and the Deiro Collection. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Roxanne Shirazi, 212-817-7069, |
Guttman Community College ArchivesGuttman Community College Archives are stored in CUNY Academic Works, CUNY's institutional repository.
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Hostos Community College ArchivesThe Hostos Community College Archives functions as the institutional memory of the college. The archives collects unpublished materials of permanent historical value including official records, correspondence, papers and publications generated by the administration, academic departments, faculty, staff, special programs and student organizations since 1970. Through its collections the archives promotes an awareness of the diverse ethnic and cultural history of this unique bilingual institution and the surrounding South Bronx community that inspired it. The library’s archive unit also maintains a comprehensive collection of works published by and about Eugenio María de Hostos, namesake of the college. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: William Casari, College Archivist & Instruction Librarian, 718-518-4220, |
Hunter College Archives & Special CollectionsThe Archives & Special Collections division at Hunter College was formally established in January 1966 under the direction of the archivist, Frederick W. Stewart. Originating as the Archives Centre, the repository collects books and unpublished materials of historical value including records, correspondence, papers and publications generated by the administration, academic departments, administrative offices, faculty, staff and student organizations since 1869. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Philip Swan, |
CENTRO Archives of the Puerto Rican Diaspora (at Hunter College)The Archives of the Puerto Rican Diaspora, known as Centro Archives, collect, preserve and make available for research unique primary materials that document the history and culture of the Puerto Rican Diaspora with a concentration on New York City. Among the collections are the records of community based, legal, educational, cultural, civil rights organizations, the papers of activists, writers, artists, scholars, educators and elected officials. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: CENTRO Archives, 212-396-7874, |
John Jay College Special CollectionsThe John Jay College Library Special Collections hold unique material related to the mission of the Sealy Library and John Jay College. Materials are in published and unpublished form including books, broadsides, pamphlets, prints, serials and archival materials. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Ellen Belcher, Special Collections Librarian, 212-237-8238, |
Kingsborough Community College ArchivesThe Kingsborough Archives are located on the second floor (Room L214) of the Robert J. Kibbee Library. The Archives contain valuable primary source materials dating to Kingsborough's founding in 1964, including photographs, documents, correspondence, yearbooks and course catalogs. The archives also store newspapers, magazines, and other historic items relevant to the Robert J. Kibbee Library, Kingsborough Community College, the Brooklyn community, and the New York area. The collections within the Archives are noncirculating but are available to students, staff, faculty and independent researchers by appointment only. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Jeffrey Delgado, Reader Services and Archives Librarian, 718-368-5430, |
LaGuardia Community College Institutional ArchivesThe Institutional Archives resides in the Library Media Resources Center of the college. As with other special collections the mission or charge is to collect, arrange, describe and preserve specific materials that areas relate to the history and development of LaGuardia Community College and selected materials of the City University of New York that relate to the college. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Thomas Cleary, Archivist, 718-482-5434, |
LaGuardia Community College La Guardia and Wagner ArchivesThe LaGuardia and Wagner Archives was established in 1982 to collect, preserve, and make available primary materials documenting the social and political history of New York City. The Archives serves a broad array of researchers: journalists, students, scholars, exhibit planners and policy makers examining the history of Greater New York. The Archives also produces public programs exploring that history. Contact: Douglas Di Carlo, Archivist, 718-482-5065, |
Lehman College Special CollectionsThe Special Collections Division of the Library (Room 230) contains such Lehman records as yearbooks, catalogs, newspapers, reports, photographs and memorabilia. Rare books and limited editions of books in various disciplines are also housed in the Division's temperature and humidity controlled environment. Beyond College records, Special Collections also holds the Bronx Institute Archives of: oral history interviews; local history books; maps and atlases; newspapers; photographs and archival materials. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Janet Butler Munch, 718-960-8603, |
Medgar Evers College Archives & Special CollectionsThe Library Archives and Special Collections are located on the Lower Level of the Charles Evans Inniss Memorial Library. The repository holds records that chronicle the history and academic achievements of Medgar Evers College, books, and other published and unpublished materials of historical value. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Yelena Novitskaya, 718-270-4889, |
New York City College of Technology Library ArchivesThe Library Archives are located on the 2nd floor of the Ursula C. Schwerin Library. They are open to CUNY students, staff, & faculty and the public by appointment only. The Archives contain historical materials from City Tech's precursors: the New York Trade School, Voorhees Technical Institute and the New York City Community College. Contact: Wanett Clyde, |
Queensborough Community College ArchivesQCC faculty, staff, students, and alumni are granted access to the College Archives with a CUNY ID card. Non-QCC patrons must contact the College Archivist to obtain permission to use the College Archives. A picture ID and the topic of research is required for entry into the Archives. Contact: Professor Connie Williams, College Archivist, 718-631-6227, |
Queens College Special Collections and ArchivesQueens College Special Collections and Archives (SCA) is the repository for over 5,000 linear feet of college records, rare books, and special collections. Our collecting strengths are the History of Queens College; Civil Rights, Social Justice, and Politics; Music and the Arts; and Print History. In keeping with the College’s motto “Discimus ut Serviamus” (We Learn so that We May Serve), our goal is for the collections to serve as a basis for research, community engagement, teaching, and exploration. We serve all kinds of folks, from faculty and students to local activists, to international scholars – so please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Finding Aids for Physical Collections Contact: Annie Tummino, Head of Special Collections and Archives, 718-570-0596, |
York College ArchivesThe College Archives are located in the Library. It is open by appointment with the archivist only. It contains official and non-official York records as yearbooks, catalogs, Bulletins, reports, photographs and realia. Rare books and the Bassin Collection of Yiddica and Hebraica are also housed in the Archives. Contact: Scott Sheidlower, 718-262-2017, |
York College Music History ArchiveThe Music Archive, which is housed in the York College Library, collects documents, music manuscripts, memorabilia, recordings, and artifacts pertaining to African American musicians and composers who lived in Southeast Queens. The Music Archive is housed partially in the York College Library and partially in storage elsewhere on the campus. Contact: Mark Adams, 718-262-2411 |
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