The Council of Chief Librarians Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Mentoring Initiative aims to support CUNY full-time and part-time library faculty and professional (HEO line) staff in historically under-represented groups with mentoring toward library leadership roles at and beyond CUNY, for research and scholarship, and more during our 2024-2025 mentoring initiative.
Mentoring is..."a supportive learning relationship between a caring individual who shares knowledge, experience, and wisdom with another individual who is ready and willing to both develop leadership qualities and partnership skills, as well as to realize a vision benefit from this exchange" (LLAMA, n.d.) Ideally mentoring benefits both the mentee and mentor.
Applications will be solicited from potential mentees and mentors (see timeline below). Mentors with expertise in a range of leadership areas and/or research and scholarship will be recruited from CCL and CUNY tenured library faculty. Mentees will be paired with mentors and expected to meet once/month between September 2024 and June 2025. Both mentees and mentors will submit a brief evaluation and reflection on their experience, and the CCL DEI Task Force will evaluate with an aim to continue and expand the initiative in the following academic year.
The CCL DEI Task Force will coordinate the mentoring initiative, to include:
Mentee applications will be solicited from full-time and part-time library faculty and professional (HEO line) staff in historically under-represented groups from all CUNY libraries, who are interested in exploring library leadership at or beyond CUNY and/or research and scholarship.
Mentees commit to:
Mentors will be recruited from the Council of Chief Librarians and from CUNY tenured library faculty with expertise (and a willingness to share it) in these leadership areas:
Mentors commit to:
Please note that dates are subject to change if needed.
Mentors and mentees should plan to read these brief articles before their first meeting.
Lee, Y. (2020). Mentorship as a Tool for Growth, Inclusion, and Equity. Idealist.
Bergen, A. (2018). Want to be a Mentor? Here's How | Part 1. Idealist.
Bergen, A. (2018). Want to be a Mentor? Here's How | Part 2. Idealist.
Knokh, I. (2022). Becoming a Mentor: 10 Things to Ponder. EDUCAUSE Review.
Some guidelines adapted from the LLAMA Formal Mentoring Guide and the ACRL/NY Mentoring Program. Many thanks to the Council of Chief Librarians and the LACUNY Multicultural and Diversity Roundtable for their review and feedback.