The Center for Media & Social Impact provides a collection of best practices for filmmakers, journalists, teachers, visual arts professionals, librarians, archivists and more. Consult these for detailed information about the relevant subject/professional area.
The section on copyright in the guide to the university's institutional repository, CUNY Academic Works, provides useful guidance.
Generally, here are some best practice guidelines:
For more information, see "Making Instructional Materials Available to Students" from Columbia University's Copyright Advisory Office.
See also:
See the section on "Showing Film and Other Media in the Course of Teaching" section from the Columbia University Copyright Advisory Office.
Students own the copyrights to their academic work(s). You may use the simple release form below to request the use of their work and use their name if using that work as an example in offering a course. Follow copyright Fair Use guidelines and proper citation procedures if you are using the student work in the body of your own work.