- If you are using PDFs in your course you need to make sure they are accessible.
- Creating an accessible PDF document from scratch is not easy. It is easiest to first produce an accessible document using WORD or PowerPoint or HTML and then saving it as a pdf.
- However sometimes professors need to include content they scan as a pdf, such as an article or chapter from a journal or book. This content needs to be made accessible.
- First step: Set up your scanner to scan with OCR "Optical Character Recognition" On.
- This means the page is scanned for individual characters and not as a singular image, and is therefore searchable.
- Check each scanner to see where this is to be set-up
- After you scan your document run it through Adobe Acrobat Pro "Accessibility Checker" (instructions below) to fix accessibility issues.
- As an aside, when you are scanning your documents, try and limit the amount of black bars along the edges, this will limit the amount of toner users who print out your scans will need to use.
Watch and listen to the same PDF but in different states of accessibility. The first example shows you a badly scanned and tagged PDF. The second example shows you the exact same section of the PDF but made accessible.
Attribution: [Lauren Alcorn] (2016, Apr.5 ) Example of Using a Screen Reader with an Accessible PDF [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/YE5gZPUXu_A
If you are curious the screen reader is reading an excerpt from Andrea Smith's (2016) Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy - Rethinking Women of Color Organizing. In Violence, I. N. C. I. T. E. W. C. A. (pp. 66-73)
Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology. Durham: Duke University Press.
Here is an example of a screen reader reading an article, which is formatted in 2 columns but the reading order has not been set, so the screen reader jumps from column to column, reading the text incorrectly. If this pdf had been properly tagged and the reading order set, the screen reader would know the correct reading order.
[NC State IT Accessibility] (2013, Oct.16) Untagged PDF Being Read by a Screen Reader [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/GaNwnsT4B5s