Looking for data? You're in luck! There are tons of free data sets available. Check out the resources below.
• Sample data sets from Tableau Public
• data.world is a platform where the world’s problem solvers can find and use a vast array of high-quality open data.
• Open data site finder (Tableau Public viz)
• Kaggle Open Datasets find open datasets on everything from government, health, and science to popular games and dating trends.
• Global Health Data Exchange the world’s most comprehensive catalog of surveys, censuses, vital statistics, and other health-related data.
• World Health Organization Data
United States
• Data.gov is the Federal Government’s open data initiative. Hundreds of data sets.
• The Pew Research Center has a number of data sets on different social and technology topics.
• Socrata is an open data repository with data, mostly from government sources.
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• US Dept. of Education College Scorecard Data
United Kingdom
• Tableau Desktop for instructors - Tableau Desktop is free for students and instructors
• Tableau Desktop for students - Tableau Desktop is free for students and instructors
• Tableau Public is free to use with creation of an account. Some restrictions include: 1) Tableau Public does not allow you to save your workbook locally to your PC, you have to save it to the public Tableau server (although, once you have saved your data visualization on Tableau Public, you can look up the embed code and post it in your own webpage or blog) 2) storage is capped at 10GB 3) it only supports data sets of up to 15 million rows.