see ACRL instructions pp. 6-10
40 Books (physical)
Use Aleph report in Tab 1 physical_type_count. This is a new report and your numbers may vary from last year's response.
40 Books (digital/electronic)
Use the total number of e-books for your campus in Table 2.
Note: this report has been developed by systems librarians in the Office of Library Services using SFX institutional holdings data and may be significantly different from last year's number, which used e-books cataloged in Aleph as a basis for the count. This current data is a more accurate count of e-books available to individual libraries. You will be asked by ACRL to explain the difference from last year. You can state that these new numbers have been derived from institutional holdings in our discovery service rather than the OPAC.
41 Serials titles (physical)
NISO definition: "A serial is a publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. This definition includes, in any format, periodicals, newspapers, and annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.); the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies; and numbered monographic series."
Use Table 3, which reflects serial titles, not subscriptions. Include count of ceased titles if available. Report all microforms in line 43.
41 Serials titles (electronic)
Use Table 4, a report generated by OLS using SFX data. ***please note, in previous surveys, this data was collected using Serials Solutions. Numbers reported this year may vary from earlier surveys. SFX data is a more accurate reflection of campus holdings.***
42 Databases
1) Count local licensed electronic resources, both bibliographic and FT. Include local e-book collections on your A-Z list.
2) Add your local number to 98 centrally-licensed databases. (this does not include individual titles such as the Chronicle of Higher Education or New York Times Digital editions.)
43 Media (physical)
Use Table 5, physical media. Add to this total your total number of microform titles. You may retrieve this number by doing a CCL search on your local collections for microforms. See ACRL instructions p. 9
43 Media (electronic)
See title count for digital media collections in Tab 6 and add individual streaming titles.
44 Total (physical)
Calculated sum of 40 & 43
44 Total (electronic)
Calculated sum of 40, 42 & 43
Aleph report physical_type_count: items for each campus with material type BOOK, ISSBD, MANUS, SCO. Add to this number a count of any volumes that do not have an item record, such as bound serials.
BB | 326,843 |
BC | 836,240 |
BM | 117,035 |
BX | 76,977 |
CC | 688,795 |
CL | 29,760 |
CP | 14,525 |
GC | 229,111 |
GJ | 2,592 |
HC | 489,566 |
HO | 58,408 |
JJ | 217,243 |
KB | 172,708 |
LE | 350,582 |
LG | 97,308 |
ME | 119,070 |
NC | 1,900 |
NY | 142,886 |
QB | 118,896 |
QC | 726,084 |
SI | 197,308 |
YC | 150,914 |
Collection Items Count (Physical)
Report Date: December 29, 2015
NOTE: All active physical items, not including electronic resources. Excluded item statuses: CA, CL, CN, EB, ER, LO, LP, MI, MT, NA, NP, NR, OR, OI, ON, RP, SE, SU, WD.
College | Ebooks |
Baruch | 474,611 |
BC | 482,291 |
BMCC | 458,207 |
Bronx CC | 457,998 |
City +DSI | 494,198 |
Law | 458,805 |
Grad | 696,574 |
Journalism | 457,644 |
Hostos | 462,197 |
Hunter and Centro | 471,343 |
John Jay | 612,544 |
Kingsborough | 458,928 |
Lehman | 460,220 |
LaGuardia | 460,329 |
Medgar | 462,723 |
Guttman | 456,859 |
City Tech | 471,528 |
Queensborough | 503,313 |
Queens | 465,682 |
CSI | 457,488 |
York | 473,723 |
SFX report run by OLS, includes 456,805 centrally provided (AL) e-books.
College | Print serials |
Baruch | 8,144 |
BC | 16,995 |
BMCC | 1,617 |
Bronx CC | 1,121 |
City + DSI | 21,556 |
Law | 2,540 |
Grad | 2,125 |
Journalism | 141 |
Hostos | 370 |
Hunter + Centro | 6,823 |
John Jay | 7,506 |
Kingsborough | 1,920 |
Lehman | 8,558 |
LaGuardia | 1,575 |
Medgar | 1,465 |
Guttman | 36 |
City Tech | 2,525 |
Queensborough | 1,606 |
Queens | 16,566 |
CSI | 3,970 |
York | 2,795 |
*includes suppressed bibs (as of 1/22/2016)
CCL search: wow=xx and wfm=se not wpd=h not wpd=c
E-journal count generated by OLS using SFX
***please note, in previous surveys, this data was collected using Serials Solutions. Numbers reported this year may vary from earlier surveys. SFX data is a more accurate reflection of campus holdings.
College | Print serials |
Baruch | 117,833 |
BC | 108,395 |
BMCC | 102,587 |
Bronx CC | 102,800 |
City + DSI | 105,542 |
Law | 103,557 |
Grad | 105,411 |
Journalism | 106,910 |
Hostos | 103,524 |
Hunter + Centro | 104,569 |
John Jay | 111,772 |
Kingsborough | 104,353 |
Lehman | 103,355 |
LaGuardia | 104,710 |
Medgar | 104,406 |
Guttman | 102,517 |
City Tech | 103,757 |
Queensborough | 103,324 |
Queens | 113,814 |
CSI | 107,843 |
York | 107,454 |
Media (physical)
Add micorforms* to the number in the table below.
Physical Media bib counts (excludes microforms)
College |
Physical Media (excludes microforms) |
Baruch (BB) | 3,849 |
Brooklyn (BC) | 22,655 |
BMCC (BM) | 2,592 |
Bronx CC (BX) | 2,623 |
City + DSI (CC or DS) | 26,941 |
Law (CL) | 309 |
Grad (GC) | 5,833 |
Journalism (GJ) | 67 |
Hostos (HO) | 2,207 |
Hunter + Centro (HC or CP) | 26,481 |
John Jay (JJ) | 16,487 |
Kingsborough (KB) | 1,618 |
Lehman (LE) | 6,941 |
LaGuardia (LG) | 20,915 |
Medgar (ME) | 8,014 |
Guttman (NC) | 113 |
City Tech (NY) | 5,097 |
Queensborough (QB) | 16,393 |
Queens (QC) | 47,379 |
CSI (SI) | 3,123 |
York (YC) | 147 |
wow=xx and wpd=(a or d or f or g or k or m or s or v)
*Includes suppressed bibs
*As of 2/2/2016
Alexander Street Press: (use your admin login at for title counts for collections not listed below)
DRAM: 4483
Films on Demand
Media Education Foundation Videos: 147
Naxos Music Library: 118,700
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