60. Initial circulation (physical)
See Table 1. Include books, media, and e-book readers. Do not include laptops. calculators, or peripherals. Use item status to identify items to exclude these and reserves from count. See ACRL instructions, p.12-13
60. Initial circulation (digital/electronic)
Use BR2 COUNTER Report (Number of Successful Title Requests by Month and Title) in Table 2 and add COUNTER BR2 e-book usage,for locally licensed collections, including streaming media if an MR2 COUNTER report is available with your vendors. See ACRL instructions, p.13
Note: IPEDS and ACRL prefer a COUNTER BR1 report, but statistics in this format are not available for all of our major e-book vendors.
61. renewals (if available)
See Table 1. Include books, media, and e-book readers. Do not include laptops. calculators, or peripherals. Use item status to identify items to exclude from count. See ACRL instructions, p.12-13
62. reserves (if available) (physical)
See Table 1. Include books, media, and e-book readers. Do not include laptops. calculators, or peripherals. Use item status to identify items to exclude from count. See ACRL instructions, p.12-13
62. reserves (if available) (digital/electronic)
If you have an e-book collection or individual titles that you use for course reserves, report number for BR1 Counter Report (Number of Successful Title Requests by Month and Title). See ACRL instructions, p.13
63. e-book usage COUNTER BR1 (if available)
not available
64. e-book usage COUNTER BR2 (if available)
This is your answer to line 60 minus streaming media.
65. E-journal usage
Count e-journal usage for licensed resources based upon Project COUNTER JR1 reports. Use numbers reported in ERAC survey and gather local usage statistics for centrally licensed electronic resources.
66. Transactions See ACRL instructions, p.15
Report transactions as described by ACRL: "Interactions and information contacts that involve knowledge, use, recommendations, interpretation, or instruction ... do not report directional transactions here. A directional transaction is an information contact that facilitates the use of the library and not knowledge, use recommendations, etc."
67. Consultations
Report consultations as described by ACRL: "Include one-on-one or small group schedule appointments. Include in person or digital. Include appointments with archives or special collections staff."
If separate transactions/consultation counts are not available, report all in line 66.
68. Does your library support virtual reference services?
If yes, please report the following:
68a V-01 Email reference
68b V-02 Chat reference, commercial service
Include Question Point here
68c V-03 Chat reference, instant messaging applications
68d V-04 Short message service (SMS) or text messaging Number
69. Indicate the number of branch and independent libraries
70. Number of presentations
71. Total attendance at all presentations
For multi-session classes, like credit classes, count each person only once regardless of the number of sessions attended if possible/feasible.
72. Number of hours open during a typical week in an academic session
73. Gate counts on an annual basis (if available)
74. Gate count in a typical week (if available)
A typical week is a time that is neither unusually busy nor unusually slow. Make sure it represents the usual hours of operation.
75. Total interlibrary loans and documents provided to other libraries
75a ILL-01 Returnable (if available)
75b ILL-02 Non-returnable (if available)
Numbers for answers to these questions are available from two sources:
OCLC Usage Statistics, through www.stats.oclc.org. Sign in with your nine-digit authorization number and password. If you have a problem please call OCLC Support. Select OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. Select Institution (and the code for your institution). Select Lender Activity Overview Report – Institution. In the screen titled Lender Activity Overview Report – Institution, set the period to June 2015 and for 12 months. For “Returnable” select “Loan” and for “Non-returnable” select “Copy.” The report can be exported into Excel for summation.
ILLiad Reports.In ILLiad, select “System”, then “Web Reports”, then “Lending,” then “Fill Rate Statistics.”Set the beginning date as July 1, 2014 and the end date as July 1, 2015. For “Returnable” select “Loans” and for “Non-returnable” select “Articles.”
You may use either OCLC or ILLiad as the source of your numbers in Interlibrary Loan, but you must be consistent in using the same source for lending and borrowing. Note that the totals reported by OCLC and ILLiad could vary due to the timing between when a request is submitted and when it is filled.
To this number add the number of items loaned to libraries other than through OCLC and ILLiad, for example, if you filled any requests from libraries using ALA forms.
75c Total if ILL-01 and ILL-02 are reported separately
Add the two numbers together.
76. Total interlibrary loans and documents received
76a ILL-03 Returnable (if available)
76b ILL-04 Non-returnable (if available)
As with lending (questions 75a-c above), one may attain the number received (borrowed) through the same two sources listed above.
OCLC Usage Statistics, through www.stats.oclc.org. Sign in with your nine-digit authorization number and password. If you have a problem please call OCLC Support. Select OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. Select Institution (and the code for your institution). Select Borrower Activity Overview Report. In the screen titled Borrower Activity Overview Report – Institution, set the period to June 2015 and for 12 months. For “Returnable” select “Loan” and for “Non-returnable” select “Copy.” Reports can be exported into Excel for summation.
ILLiad Reports.In ILLiad, select “System”, then “Web Reports”, then “Borrowing,” then “Fill Rate Statistics.”Set the beginning date as July 1, 2014 and the end date as July 1, 2015. .For “returnable” select “Loans” and for “Non-returnable” select “Articles.”
For more on ILLiad Web reports see the item linked here: https://prometheus.atlas-sys.com/display/illiad/ILLiad+Web+Reports
Note that in Borrowing, the results can vary between OCLC and ILLiad, depending on the level of local ILLiad workflow customization. It’s best to use the same source year after year for consistency and comparison purposes.
76c ILL-05 Documents received from commercial services (if available)
Commercial services include the British Library Document Supply Centre (BRI), CISTI, Center for Research Information, Documents Delivered, InfoQuest, the U.S. Document Retrieval Center, and others. If you have used these services please indicate the number of items received. These would be included in Illiad web reports (though not the OCLC WorldShare reports), and therefore the number must be subtracted from 76b. If the number cannot be determined, skip this question and include it in your answer to 76b.
76d Total if ILL-03, ILL-04 and ILL-05 are reported separately
Add together your answers to 76a, 76b, and 76c.
List of item statuses.
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