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Design Tips for Promoting Eresources: Get Images

Creative Commons Images

Creative Commons: Find copyright-free images either via Google Image search or directly via Creative Commons.

Utilize the Search Tools button in Google Image search to control various aspects of your search, especially usage rights option.


Getty now offers free, royalty-free images to embed on the web. 

Use the search bar from the hyperlink above to search the database of royalty-free images.

Once you've found an image you want to use, select the </ > icon. You'll be directed to a page with information on the usage rights, with a code to embed the image on a website or blog. 

an image of getty embed code button

Screen Capture

Screen Capture in Mac OS

To take a picture of the whole screen, press Command-Shift-3.

Use Command-Shift-4 to take a picture of part of the screen.

Screen Capture in Windows

To take a picture of the whole screen, press the Print Screen key on your keyboard (top right).

Use the program "Snipping Tool" to take a picture of part of the screen.