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CUNY libraries statistics 2017-2018 (archive)

Library Services

Library Circulation Usage

See ACRL instructions pp. 15-16

Question Explanation

60. Initial circulation (physical) 

See Table 1.  Includes from the general and reserves collections

  • books
  • media,
  • e-book readers (pre-loaded with books)

Does NOT include

  • laptops,
  • calculators
  • peripherals
  • renewals

Note: The report in Table 1 counts loans per library.  That means if a Lehman book is borrowed from a Hostos patron via CLICS, Lehman gets a count of one, with no count for Hostos.

60. Circulation (electronic)

Report total usage for e-books and streaming media. 

  • Prefer COUNTER BR1 reports
  • If a vendor does not provide BR1 reports, but does provide BR2 reports, use those.
  • Include Table 2 (BR2 reports for Spring and Ebook Central provided by OLS)
  • Do NOT report usage for the same e-books twice -- if  both BR1 and BR2 reports are available, only report BR1 usage here. This question is not a sum of Q61 and Q62.
  • If the vendor does not use COUNTER, but provides another full text usage report, report those numbers here.
  • Report streaming media usage here, using MR1 reports when available or other measures of usage provided by the vendor.
  • Do NOT include titles in a Patron Driven Acquisitions package until it is purchased.
  • Do NOT include Institutional Repository usage here
  • Do NOT report e-serial usage here
  • Do the best you can.  There is no perfect answer.

61. E-book usage COUNTER BR1 (if available)

Report all COUNTER BR1 usage numbers you are able to get from e-book vendors. ​ 

62. E-book usage COUNTER BR2 (if available)

  • Report all COUNTER BR2 usage numbers you are able to get from e-book vendors. 
  • Include Table 2  centrally licensed e-book packages and add COUNTER BR2 local e-book usage data when available.

Here are the ACRL instructions for these questions:

"If COUNTER reports are available, IPEDS suggest that libraries report counts from BR1 and MR1. If BR1 and MR1
statistics are not available, BR2 and MR2 statistics can be used. In cases where vendors do not provide COUNTER
reports, libraries may report using other means for monitoring digital/electronic circulation/usage (downloads, session
views, transaction logs, etc.).

If counts are available, separately report e-book usage. If usage is available for COUNTER BR1, report on line 61
Column B. If usage is available for COUNTER BR2, report on line 62 Column B. Libraries not using COUNTER should
provide the most valid and reliable response possible for e-book usage for question [60] and make a note, or report zero in
both 61 and 62.

Additional guidance:

The reported counts for questions 61 and 62 will not be used as a sum to fill in Total Digital/Electronic
Circulation in question 60 Column B."  -- ACRL pp. 15-16

63. E-serials usage
  • Count e-journal usage for licensed resources (most of your A-Z list) based upon Project COUNTER JR1 reports. 
  • If the vendor does not provide JR1 reports, then use any measure provided or full text downloads or views.
  • Do the best you can.  There is no perfect answer.
Information Services to Individuals

NOTE: Many libraries only collect reference transactions once or twice a year. To convert that to an annual number, multiply your sample week (or the average of your sample weeks) by the number of in-session weeks in a year. For instance, if you're typically in-session 46 weeks a year, and your sample reference week yields 200 questions, report 9,200 transactions (200X46).

Question Explanation

64. Transactions

Report transactions (in-person and telephone) as described by ACRL: "Interactions and information contacts that involve knowledge, use, recommendations, interpretation, or instruction ... do not report directional transactions here. A directional transaction is an information contact that facilitates the use of the library and not knowledge, use recommendations, etc.

65. Consultations

Report consultations as described by ACRL: "Include one-on-one or small group schedule appointments. Include in person or digital. Include appointments with archives or special collections staff."

If separate transactions/consultation counts are not available, report all in line 64.

67. Virtual reference services

"... includes email, webform, chat, text messaging, instant messaging or other network-based medium designed to support virtual reference."

68. Indicate the number of branch and independent libraries

Exclude the main library.  See ACRL instructions if this applies to your library.

Information Services to Groups



Question Explanation

70. Number of presentations

  •   Count each meeting of a credit class
  •   Count each one-shot workshop
  •   Do not count staff training
  •   Do not count self-paced tutorials
  •   Web-based presentations are counted as digital/electronic.


71. Total attendance at all presentations

For multi-session classes, like credit classes, count each person only once regardless of the number of sessions attended if possible/feasible.

72. Number of hours open during a typical week in an academic session

  • Typical means not intersession or extended hours during finals.
  • Exclude 24-hour unstaffed rooms

73. Number of entries/Gate counts on an annual basis (if available)


74. Number of entries/Gate count in a typical week (if available) A typical week is a time that is neither unusually busy nor unusually slow. Make sure it represents the usual hours of operation.

List of item statuses. 

Note: the monthly circ reports provided by OLS track all work (including loans to patrons, transit accounts, catalogers, or displays, and loans of devices such as laptops, peripherals, etc.). The attached report tracks single loans to patrons only, which is what ACRL asks us to report. The numbers in this report will be lower than those in monthly circulation reports.


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