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Library Licensing Guide: Special Circumstances

WALDO (not made offical procedure yet)

There are three types of licensing status for any resources that you subscribe to or purchase through WALDO:

  1. Status 1: No additional terms and conditions apply. These order forms can be processed with no intervention with the OGC.
  2. Status 2: The vendor has additional terms and conditions but does not require a signature. These must be approved by legal (so far, almost all of these have had no problems getting approval from the OGC).
  3. Status 3: The vendor has additional terms and conditions and a signature is required. In these cases, the OGC recommends that you go directly through the vendor as these will require more time and may add to your WALDO spend (which could put you over a procurement threshhold).

The office of OGC has asked WALDO to put all status 1 resources on one order form, status 2 on another order form, and status 3 on another. If desired, you could put all status 1 on a single requisition (blanket PO) and status 2 on a single requisition with multiple lines (a line for each resource). Again, if it's status 3, the office of OGC recommends that you go directly through the vendor and ask them to meet WALDO's price.


For new orders or renewals not currently on state contract, ask your Ebsco rep for the following language to be put on the order form:

Order Comments:

  • Non-OGS contract items. Please refer to the CUNY/EBSCO terms for non-OGS contract items.
  • For new orders or renewals on state contract, the following language should appear on the form:

Order Comments:

  • Contract item. Please refer to the CUNY/EBSCO terms for OGS contract items.


  1. For renewal orders and new orders for products NOT currently on the state contract: include this in the Special Instructions area of the order form:

The terms and conditions governing this purchase are the same as those found in ProQuest’s contract with the State of New York, specifically Contract Number PS65824, Award Number 22525, Title: Group 79100 – Electronic On-Line Databases (ProQuest LLC) notwithstanding any expiration date of such state contract. Provided a purchase order is signed by CUNY or a CUNY institution, no further signature is required.

  1. For renewal orders and new orders for products that ARE on the state contract: include this in the Special Instructions area of the order form:

This purchase is pursuant to ProQuest’s contract with the State of New York, specifically Contract Number PS65824, Award Number 22525, Title: Group 79100 – Electronic On-Line Databases (ProQuest LLC). Provided a purchase order is signed by CUNY or a CUNY institution, no further signature is required.

EXCEPTION: Proquest DAAP (Dissertations Archiving and Access).  CUNY OGC has negotiated terms with them but it is a separate license.