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Accessibility Workshop on OER for LaGuardia Community College: Titles

Accessibility Information on Titles

General Information:

When you create a web page, a word document, a PowerPoint, a spreadsheet make sure you create a meaningful title for your item.

Why are page titles important?

  • Screen readers announce the page and slide titles when they load web pages, documents and presentations.
  • A good page title helps orient users to the content of the page or document.
  • A good title helps users understand, a POUR principle.

How to Create good page titles:

  • Page titles should be brief, clear, informative, and unique.

LibGuides Title Instructions

  • Page titles should be brief, clear, informative, and unique.
  • When adding new pages in LibGuides, the "Page Name" field is equivalent to the "Title" field.

LibGuides title screen grab.

WordPress Classic Title Instructions

  • Page and Post titles should be brief, clear, informative, and unique.WordPress classic title instructions screengrab.


WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor Title Instructions

  • The first block of every post or page is the title.
  • After that, you can use the mouse to move below the title or press the tab key on your keyboard to move down and start writing.

WordPress gutenberg title screen grab