60A. Total circulation (physical) |
Include the general and reserves collections
Do NOT include
Watch this video to help you navigate to this report in Alma Analytics Path in Alma analytics. Location/Shared Folders /Community /Reports/Consortia/CUNY/ACRL IPEDS AL/ACRL Q60 A Total Circulation - Physical |
60B. Total Circulation (electronic) |
61B. E-book usage COUNTER BR1 (if available) |
62B. E-book usage COUNTER BR2 (if available) |
Here are the ACRL instructions for these questions: “If COUNTER Release 5 reports are unavailable and if COUNTER Release 4 reports are available, IPEDS suggest that libraries report counts from BR1 and MR1 on line 61 Column B. If BR1 and MR1 statistics are not available, BR2 and MR2 statistics can be used and reported on line 62 Column B. In cases where vendors do not provide COUNTER reports, libraries may report using other means for monitoring digital/electronic circulation/usage (downloads, session views, transaction logs, etc.)” Additional guidance: The reported counts for questions 61 and 62 will not be used as a sum to fill in Total Digital/Electronic Circulation in question 60 Column B." -- ACRL pp. 16-17
63B. E-serials usage |
64. Transactions |
Report transactions (in-person, telephone, e-mail, Web interface, or other medium) as described by ACRL: "Interactions and information contacts that involve knowledge, use, recommendations, interpretation, or instruction ... do not report directional transactions here. A directional transaction is an information contact that facilitates the use of the library and not knowledge, use recommendations, etc." Do not report directional transactions here. If contact is both directional and reference, report as one transaction. Include: Slack, FaceTime, Zoom, chat, LibAnswers, etc. |
65. Consultations |
Report consultations as described by ACRL: Include one-on-one or small group schedule appointments. in-person, telephone, e-mail, Web interface, or other medium. Include appointments with archives or special collections staff. If separate transactions/consultation counts are not available, report all in line 64. Include: Slack, FaceTime, Zoom, chat, LibAnswers, etc. |
67. Virtual reference services |
"... includes email, webform, chat, text messaging, instant messaging or other network-based medium designed to support virtual reference." Include transactions and consultations Note: Question 67 is a subset of questions 64 and 65 Include: Slack, FaceTime, Zoom, chat, LibAnswers, etc. |
68. Indicate the number of branch and independent libraries |
Additional instructions |
Transactions and consultation interactions are defined as information contacts that involve the knowledge, use, recommendations, interpretation, or instruction in the use of one or more resources by a member of the library staff. The term includes information and referral service. Include: Slack, FaceTime, Zoom, chat, LibAnswers, etc. If separate transactions/consultation counts are not available, report all in line 64. |
70. Number of synchronous presentations |
If not tracked separately, count total number of presentations and enter on line 70C |
71. Total attendance at all synchronous presentations |
For multi-session classes, like credit classes, count each person only once regardless of the number of sessions attended if possible/feasible.
72. Number of asynchronous presentations |
An asynchronous presentation can be defined as a recorded online session, tutorial, video, or other interactive educational module created in a digital/electronic format, and includes web-based presentations such as recorded webinars.
73. Total attendance at all asynchronous presentations |
For multi-session classes, like credit classes, count each person only once regardless of the number of sessions attended if possible/feasible.
74. Number of presentations to groups (include synchronous and asynchronous) |
74C = 70a +70b + 70c (70 a & b not distinguished) + 72b |
75. Total attendance at all presentations to groups (include synchronous and asynchronous) | 75B = 71a + 71b + 71c (71a & b not distinguished) + 73b |
Hours |
77. Number of weeks the main library was closed due to COVID-19
ACRL instructions: “The main library was considered physically closed when faculty,students, and campus employees could not enter the building, regardless of access by library staff.
The library could be physically closed but still offered virtual, Wi-Fi, or “curbside” services outside the building.”
CUNY moved to online learning in March 2020, 39 weeks represents the number of weeks from July 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021. If the weeks differ for your campus, make adjustments to this number as necessary. |
78. Number of weeks the main library had limited occupancy due to Covid-19 |
Count “the number of weeks during the fiscal year that the main library implemented limited public occupancy practices for in-person services in the library building in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Limited public occupancy practices can include reduced hours open, limits on the number of users inside the physical building, appointment only on-site library use, visitor time limits, closed stacks or meeting rooms, etc.” CUNY moved to online learning in March 2020. 39 weeks represents the number of weeks from July 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021. If the weeks differ for your campus, make adjustments to this number as necessary. |
Gate Counts |
Report the number of entries to the library facilities on an annual basis and/or in a typical week, whichever is easier for the respondent. If the library does not count entries on an annual basis or for a typical week before the coronavirus pandemic, please enter N/A in the appropriate block (either lines 79a or 79b) or in both blocks. |
79a. Gate counts on an Annual Basis (if available) |
79b. Before the coronavirus pandemic, gate count in a typical week (if available) |
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