01. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our parent institution typically offered classes (choose one):
02. During academic year 2020-21, our parent institution typically offered classes (choose one):
03. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our library typically offered library instruction or other group presentations (choose one):
03. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our library typically offered library instruction or other group presentations (choose one):
04. During the academic year 2020-21, our library typically offered library instruction or other group presentations (choose one):
05. In the future (post-pandemic), our library anticipates primarily offering library instruction or other group presentations (choose one):
06. Please indicate if your library offered the activities or resources listed below before and/or during the pandemic. If not applicable, please leave blank.
06a. Course-related library guides
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numberical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offered this during the pandemic
We collect numberical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offered this during the pandemic
We collect numberical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offered this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offered this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offered this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offered this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offered this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06b. Credit-bearing library courses
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06c. Information literacy sessions supporting specific courses
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06d. Non-course-related library guides
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06e. Online tutorials or videos
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06f. Special events (forums, hosted lectures, large-scale orientations, etc.)
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06g. Tours
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06h. Workshops
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
06i. Other (optional write-in)
We offered this before the pandemic
We offering this during the pandemic
We collect numerical data on this activity
07. Does your library provide digital badges or credentials for library skills or activities?
08. With whom do you partner to provide instruction and/or group presentations? Select all that apply. Note: By “partner with” we mean consult or coordinate with. Include work with academic units to scaffold instruction or develop tutorials.
Academic advisors
Academic departments / programs
Career services office
Community members (outside the institution)
Composition or rhetoric programs
Distance learning staff / offices
Individual faculty members
International student office / study abroad program
K-12 instructors/staff
Student affairs staff / office
Teaching and learning staff /office
Tutoring centers (writing or other discipline-specific support.
Other [optional write in]
09. Which library staff are actively engaged in delivering library instruction? Select all that apply.