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CUNY libraries statistics 2018-2019 (archive)

Student Enrollment

Use the linked tables to answer these questions.

Question Explanation

90. Full-time Equivalents (FTE)

Available via CUNY IR.

91. Headcounts
Note: According to CUNY IR, colleges will have a higher FTE than headcount if students take a larger-than-usual course-load.

91a. Full time undergraduates

Available via CUNY IR.

91b. Part time undergraduates 

Available via CUNY IR.

91c. Full time graduates

Available via CUNY IR.

91d. Part time graduates

Available via CUNY IR.

91e. Total if full time and part time undergraduate and graduate headcounts are reported separately calculated sum of 91a + 91d

This will be calculated for you.


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