Does your institution have an OER initiative? An OER initiative in this case would be an organized effort to promote the use or adoption of OER in courses.
a. yes
b. no
c. unsure
Is your library involved with an OER initiative?
a. The library is involved with the institutional OER initiative
b. Our institution does not have an OER initiative, but the library supports OER independently
c. The institution has an OER initiative but the library is not involved with this or any other OER initiative.
d. Neither the library nor the institution has an OER initiative
e. Unsure
If 2d or 2e Skip to Question 9
If there is an OER initiative at your institution, it is best described as led by: Select all that apply:
a. Library
b. Administration
c. Faculty
d. Students
e. Committee
f. Other (please specify ) g. The institution has no OER initiative
Please indicate which OER-related activities the library supports. Select all that apply:
a. Searching for quality OER for faculty
b. Creating subject guides or other educational materials on OER
c. Training faculty and staff on OER
d. Curating and sharing OER resources
e. Providing access to OER via a library-managed digital repository or a third-party platform
f. Providing financial support for faculty to develop OER
g. Checking licensing/intellectual property rights on adopted OER
h. Advocating for library inclusion in OER activities on campus i. Other (please specify)
Who has primary responsibility at the library for these OER-related activities?
a. One staff member has primary responsibility
b. Multiple staff members have these responsibilities
c. Other (please specify): __
Does your library fund OER initiatives (i.e., provide incentives for faculty to develop OER)?
a. yes
b. no
c. unsure
How much money was allocated from your library budget to provide incentives for faculty in the past fiscal year?
a. Less than $1,000
b. $1,001 - $5,000
c. $5,001 - $10,000
d. $10,001 - $50,000
e. More than $50,000
How much do you estimate that your institution’s OER initiatives have saved students in the past fiscal year?
a. Data not available
b. Less than $50,000
c. $50,001-$250,000
d. $250,001-$500,000
e. $500,001-$1,000,000
f. More than $1,000,000
What do you feel are the biggest challenges for your institution regarding faculty engagement for OER adoption? Select all that apply:
a. Lack of awareness of OER
b. Lack of institutional support
c. Lack of financial incentive for adopting OER
d. Lack of quality OER for subject matter
e. Time required to locate OER
f. Technical barriers to providing OER
g. Other challenge (please specify):
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