1.What percentage of your budget is allocated for collections?
- 0-10%
- 11-25%
- 26-40%
- 41-60%
- 61-75%
- 76% or more
2.In the past 5 years, what percentage of your collection budget has shifted from print monographs to other materials?
- our budget for print and other materials has remained the same
- we spend 0.1%-4.99% more on other materials than we did 5 years ago
- we spend 5%-9.99% more on other materials than we did 5 years ago
- we spend 10%-24.99% more on other materials than we did 5 years ago
- we spend 25%-49.99% more on other materials than we did 5 years ago
- we spend 50%-74.99% more on other materials than we did 5 years ago
- we spend 75% or more more on other materials than we did 5 years ago
3.In the past 5 years, what percentage of your collections budget has shifted from traditional collection development to patron-driven (PDA) or demand-driven acquisitions (DDA)?
- We still use a traditional collection development model
- 0.1%-4.99% more of our collection budget is now devoted to PDA/DDA
- 5%-9.99% more of our collection budget is now devoted to PDA/DDA
- 10%-24.99% more of our collection budget is now devoted to PDA/DDA
- 25%-49.99% more of our collection budget is now devoted to PDA/DDA
- 50%-74.99% more of our collection budget is now devoted to PDA/DDA
- 75% or more of our collection budget is now devoted to PDA/DDA
4.Does your library purchase any of the following materials with the collection budget?
- Print textbooks
- Digital textbooks
- Board games
- Video games or video game consoles
- Graphic novels
- Streaming video collections
- Streaming audio collections
- eReaders
- Tablets
- Other (please specify)
- We do not collect any of the above materials
5.Does your library participate in open education initiatives?
If yes, please indicate which of the following your library participates in:
- Open access books
- Open access textbook publishing initiatives
- Open access teaching resources/materials
- Open access learning resources/materials
- Open access courseware
- Other (please specify)
6.Does your library have an institutional repository?
6a. If yes, please indicate which print material the library digitizes (select all that apply).
- Faculty and instructional staff scholarship
- Student scholarship
- Doctoral dissertations
- Graduate these
- Conference papers and programs
- Datasets
- Other (please specify)
6b. Please indicate what native digital material the library accessions into its institutional repository (IR):
- Faculty and instructional staff scholarship
- Student scholarship
- Doctoral dissertations
- Graduate these
- Conference papers and programs
- Datasets
- Other (please specify)
7.Does your library digitize documents in the institution's archive or other local documents?
7a. If yes, please indicate which types:
- Print materials of historical or otherwise unique significance to the institution
- Print materials of legal significance to the institution
- Print materials authorized for retention by records management policy
- Local public records, such as birth records, death records, marriage records, naturalization records, tax records, probate records, or civil court records
- Other (please elaborate)
8.Does your library digitize (or plan to digitize) print resources currently in the collection?
8a. If yes, please indicate which types:
- Non-monographic print materials
- Manuscripts
- Physical audio items (such as compact discs or phonographs)
- Physical video items (such as VHS)
- Print items deemed to be rare or unique to our collection
- Other (please elaborate)
8b. Which of the options below best describes the level of support in your institution for creating digital collections over the past five years?
- Support for creating digital collections has greatly increased
- Support for creating digital collections has increased somewhat
- Support for creating digital collections has remained the same
- Support for creating digital collections has decreased somewhat
- Support for creating digital collections has greatly decreased
9.Has your library participated in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) in the last five years?
10.Has your library developed, or is considering developing, a shared print collection with a group of libraries or consortium partners?