Indicate the number of branch and independent libraries (exclude the main or central library). ___________________
Library expenditures should be reported for the most recent 12-month period that corresponds to your institution's fiscal year that ends before October 1, 2015.
Total salaries and wages from the library budget. Amount: ____________________________
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 6.
Are staff fringe benefits paid out of the library budget? Yes/No Total fringe benefits: This amount should be $0
Materials/services expenditures
One-time purchases of books, serial backfiles, and other materials:
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 20.
Ongoing commitments to subscriptions:
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 21.
All other materials/service cost:
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 22.
Total materials/services expenditures:
This line will automatically be calculated for you.
Operations and maintenance expenditures
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 24.
All other operations and maintenance expenditures:
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 25.
Total operations and maintenance expenditures: This line will automatically be calculated for you.
Total Expenditures: This line will automatically be calculated for you.
Total interlibrary loans and documents provided to other libraries:
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 75c.
Total interlibrary loans and documents received:
Use your answer for ACRL survey question 76d.
Does your library support virtual reference services? Yes/No
You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.
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