Organizing a web page, word document or pdf with headings helps all users get an idea of the page’s structure and organization.
Here is a video showing the difference between how a screen reader reads aloud a web page which has inaccessible headers versus one with accessible headers.
The built in headers in tools such as items, announcements, and discussion boards allow a student using a screen reader to skip between titles and easily navigate the page. To facilitate this, give elements meaningful names that allow students using a screen reader to know what the content is so they can decide whether or not they want to read further or skip down to the next heading for now. So you might, for instance, want to give more meaningful titles to your announcement than simply “Announcement,” or the date/ week.
Pressbooks provides users two methods to add and edit content within their Pressbook: the visual editor and the text (html) editor.
Accessible Digital Content Training Copyright © by Jessica Blackwood and Kate Brown. All Rights Reserved.
When typing a word documents use the built in styles to select the proper headers for your text.
Depending upon your version of word, there are somewhat different instructions on how to put in headers.