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CUNY libraries statistics 2019-2020 (Archive)

Institutional Repositories

50.  Items held in the institutional repository(ies)

51. Item usage from the institutional repository

Please refer to the table below which reports items held in Academic Works during FY19-20 and usage during this period:


  Total items held

New downloads


Baruch College 3525 63,684
Borough of Manhattan Community College 172
Bronx Community College 2,177 31,504
Brooklyn College 2,063 34,609
City College of New York 3,025 160,857
College of Staten Island 238 19,724
CUNY Graduate Center 5,461 671,117
CUNY Graduate School of Journalism 342 146,420
CUNY School of Law 340 33,148
Guttman Community College 155 7,175
Hostos Community College 270 13,744
Hunter College 1,214 71,167
John Jay College of Criminal Justice 583 77,238
Kingsborough Community College 246 16,181
LaGuardia Community College 489 33,647
Lehman College 375 14,894
Macaulay Honors College 1 66
Medgar Evers College 35 950
New York City College of Technology 880 49,225
Queens College 424 23,701
Queensborough Community College 121 71,034
School of Public Health and Health Policy 323 15,681
York College 296 14,509
Central 375 3,542


Note from Megan Wacha: "These numbers reflect the number of new works posted to the repository (either via self-submission or library mediated submission) as well as new downloads of all works. When aggregating these numbers, I was careful not to duplicate numbers for items affiliated with multiple campuses. For instance, if a work was posted to the Graduate Center's Publications and Research Series, but also affiliated with Brooklyn College and LaGuardia Community College, the associated numbers are only reflected in the Graduate Center's items posted and downloads count. If a campus wishes to generate numbers for internal reporting, they should reflect all content affiliated with their collections. I'm always available to help with this process."

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