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LIbguides Presentation: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap for Admins (Mark)

What technologies will help me customize my LibGuide?

There are three key tools you can use when customizing your LibGuide with code:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap

I recommend learning them in that order, as each one builds upon the previous one.

If you want to learn more about HTML and CSS, I recommend some online courses that will teach you the basic and intermediate level skills:

for Bootstrap, the most helpful resource I found is the Bootstrap documentation:

For a partial list of LibGuides {{curly bracketed}} content that you can add or move around in the HTML on your pages, see:

If you would like to see what Kingsborough did with these tools, you can see our LibGuides at

If you would like to see the code we used to make the Kingsborough LibGuides, you can find it here:

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