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Libguides Presentation: Adding books from the catalog (Julia)

Tips and Tricks: Adding a Box

Hi Everyone! Thanks for attending the Libguides "Tips and Tricks" workshop. I spoke for a few minutes on how to enter in a book from the catalog, linking it to either OneSearch or the library catalog. You can find instructions on what to do (complete with screenshots!) below. Click on any image to see a larger screenshot.

Add in a Book (Linking to CUNY Onesearch)

You'll need your book in hand to make this easiest. Otherwise just write down the call number and the ISBN.

On the Add/Reorder dropdown list, select "Book from the Catalog" and enter in the ISBN number. Most times, the book's cover art will pop up. You can change the title as necessary, or add in the call number if you like.

The easiest way to link a book to the catalog is to use the permalink feature from OneSearch. First you'll need to get the link, using the following steps:

screenshot 1. Find your book in OneSearch and go to the details page.
2. On the details page, click on the "Share" dropdown list and click permalink.
3. Copy the link into your clipboard, and add it to the url field in the "Add a book from the catalog" function.


Add in a Book (Linking to the library catalog)

You can also link your book by making your link a "live search" into the CUNY catalog. It's tempting to just copy and paste the results page when you find a book yourself. But those searches time out! So instead you can build a link that executes a new search every time you click. The OLS Support Site has helped us with this. 

You'll need your book in hand to make this easiest. Otherwise just write down the call number and the ISBN.

On the Add/Reorder dropdown list, select "Book from the Catalog" and enter in the ISBN number. Most times, the book's cover art will pop up. You can change the title as necessary, or add in the call number if you like.

Using the links below, I'll demonstrate how to link a book to the catalog

screenshot 1. Using the OLS support site's page, find the format for "ISBN Search" for a book from the catalog
screenshot 2. Copy the ISBN number into the bracketed {ISBN_goes_here} fields. Be sure to take out the brackets!
screenshot 3. Check your local base value. Mine is KINGSBOROUGH, for example. 
screenshot 4. Replace the bracketed {base_value_goes_here} with your local base value. Be sure to take out the brackets! Copy/paste this address into the url field in the "Add a book from the catalog" function.

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