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Alma Implementation

E-Resource Management Working Group


  1. Develop local, and consortia, electronic resources policies and best practices to enhance efficiency for local and consortia access, reduce redundant e-resource management activities, and produce reliable data for system-wide data analysis.  
    • Licenses, renewals and cancellations
    • Cost information
    • Holdings and rights management (protection of data)
    • Discovery
    • Usage data and analytics
    • Any other electronic resources ERM data
  2. Continue to research e-resources management best practices and policies in a consortia environment, and recommend policies related to storing, sharing, and managing licenses, usage data, and cost information. 
  3. Explore new and emerging options for e-resource management in the LSP to expand collaborations on e-resources beyond CUNY. 
  4. Propose optimal LSP system settings to: enhance efficiency for local and consortia access, reduce redundant e-resource management activities, and produce reliable data for system-wide data analysis.  
  5. Create shared analytics recommendations to continue data-driven development of E-Resource activities across CUNY. 
  6. Work closely with the LSP Acquisitions Working Group
  7. Review needs and options for E-Resource training at CUNY, and recommend training plans to the LSP Training Working Group. 

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Mailing List

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Name Email Address Role
Nancy Egan Member
Roland Samieske Member
Amy Wolfe Member
Christine McEvilly Member
Katherine Parsons Member
Meredith Powers Member
​Maureen Richards Chair
Alycia Sellie Member

Meeting Minutes