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Alma Implementation

Data Acceptance Review


This page provides an overview of the steps libraries should take to review data for data acceptance. Please review the Ex Libris July 7th slides and presentation.

Do not make any changes to your data before accepting it! Changes to your data constitutes acceptance.


Focus on changes from test load. What should be different this time? The Test Load Spreadsheets tab has your migration spreadsheets from test load in December. Be sure to account for changes made to your data within the past few months.


      More local e-resources switched from physical to electronic; the number of portfolios created should be comparable…

      But there will be fewer Physical Titles in electronic/web locations

User Primary ID

      Should match EMPLID (Aleph ID 07)

Aleph fields transformed

      001 -> 952; OWN -> 975; STA -> 976; 946 -> 956; 949 -> 959; 910 -> 990

Local fields retained in IZ

      Will not be overwritten by NZ record

           590, 952, 956, 959, 970, 971, 975, 976, 990, 991

Spot-check against Aleph & SFX Data

Patron Example: Choose three or four individual patrons in Aleph and verify in Alma

Contact info is correct

      Is User Group correct? Are they correctly marked internal vs. external?

      Did blocks/fines migrate as specified?

      Did notes migrate as expected? Are internal notes still internal (i.e. invisible to the patron)?

      Repeat this spot-checking process for other record types

Verify the number of SFX activations for your IZ

Did the expected activations migrate to your IZ?

Review test load slides for help constructing searches.

Do Not Worry About...

Ex Libris checks the following. Campuses don't need to worry about these!

  • Compare Alma IZs against Migration Statistics
  • Were the proper elements retained?
    • Courses and Reading Lists
    • Staff User Roles
  • Did all within migration scope migrate?
    • Inventory, Acquisitions, Fulfillment, P2E, SFX IZ -> NZ linking
  • Spot-check record contents (do invoices have the usual invoice data? do patron records look like patron records?)
  • Spot-check data linkages (do loans link to an item and patron, and vice versa)?


  • Gather record counts from Aleph for bibs, patrons, PO lines, etc. so you can compare totals in Alma.
  • If it looks weird, double-check it in Aleph or SFX first. You may have found an outlier.
  • Ask! Share questions/comments about your data to your Communications Committee representative. They will route to ExL.