On Tuesday, October 29, 2019, Douglas Gaudieri and Katy Aranoff of Ex Libris demonstrated Alma to library faculty and staff across the CUNY Libraries.
The event ran from 2 to 5 PM but, unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the recording ended around 3:40 PM, at the time of the scheduled break. The topics of circulation and analytics were not recorded, nor was the question-and-answer session. Additionally, due to an unstable internet connection in the room, the video and audio occasionally dropped, creating a somewhat jumpy recording.
We apologize sincerely to those who attended in person and those relying on the recording to get acquainted with the system.
The in-person Ex Libris-led Alma event that was originally scheduled to occur at Brooklyn College between March 31 and April 2 moved to a virtual environment in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. To accommodate the remote learning experience, it was expanded to run from Monday, March 30, to Thursday, April 2. Each day concluded with a general Q&A session with the trainer, Megan Drake.
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